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Official 2016 Presidential Primary Election results for President of the United States

Last Updated 05/31/2016 02:02:24 PM
NR: not reported

President of the United States

Congressional District 8

Republican Vote for 1 County Break Down

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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Jeb Bush
Republican 43 327 63 433 0.7%
Ben Carson
Republican 56 616 29 701 1.1%
Chris Christie
Republican 17 141 9 167 0.3%
Ted Cruz
Republican 1,514 11,065 787 13,366 21.8%
Carly Fiorina
Republican 9 108 9 126 0.2%
Mike Huckabee
Republican 8 84 8 100 0.2%
John R. Kasich
Republican 1,884 14,317 1,184 17,385 28.3%
Rand Paul
Republican 13 195 11 219 0.4%
Marco Rubio
Republican 50 335 45 430 0.7%
Rick Santorum
Republican 3 47 5 55 0.1%
Donald J. Trump Winner Selected    
Republican 2,771 24,407 1,272 28,450 46.3%

Democratic Vote for 1 County Break Down

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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Hillary Clinton Winner Selected    
Democratic 17,619 60,344 8,718 86,681 64.2%
Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente
Democratic 46 258 29 333 0.2%
Bernie Sanders
Democratic 7,132 32,418 5,541 45,091 33.4%
Democratic 407 2,204 272 2,883 2.1%