2000 Presidential Election - List of Maryland's Candidate Electors
Each political party in each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia submits a list of individuals pledged to their candidate for President and equal in number to the State's electoral vote. This list has the names of these individuals as submitted by all political parties recognized in Maryland at the time of the election.
To learn more about the Electoral College, see our Electoral College page. For historical information on the presidential Electors of Maryland see the Maryland State Archives's list of the presidential Electors in Maryland from 1789 to 2008.
Reform Party
Craig P. Drohan
Julie C. Slunt
William Julius Casagranda
George T. Serbinoff
Sonja Jane Jasper
Anna Anderson
Herman E. Schmidt
Elizabeth A. Christman
Julia A. LaJoie
Robert B. Bowes
Republican Party
Mitzi Perdue
J. Ronald Etzel
Michael Deets
Ronald Josephson
Joseph Crawford
Vincent Dellaposta
Richard Fairbanks
Rosanne Szabados
Richard Hug
H. Victoria Nelson
Libertarian Party
Steve Boone
Andrew Chawla
Robert Creager
Lorenzo Gaztanaga
Susan Gaztanaga
Robert Glaser
Gwendolyn Jones
Jack Jones
Simon Lancaster
Nick Sarwark
Democratic Party
Mary Ann E. Love
Ina Taylor
Howard Friedman
Beatrice Tignor
Mary Butler Murphy
Gregory Pecoraro
Clarence W. Blount
Gene W. Counihan
Mary Jo Neville
Thomas V. Mike Miller
Constitution Party
Brian D. Saunders
Linda Easton-Saunders
Steven Jerome Krukar
Dorothy Elizabeth Zinkand
William Collier Zinkand
Benjamin Paultney Boyce
Elizabeth Shauett Boyce
Lila A. Heitzler
Deborah Mackall
John Lofton
Green Party
Mary Kathleen Bennett
Ralph Gregory Peace
Christine Schmitthenner
Diane K. McDaniel
Kenneth C. Eidel
Mary Chesnut
Joseph H. Flynn
Victor Pleskacz
Alison Gibbons
Joyce Munns